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- 1 Corinthians 7
- Acts 1
- Angels 8
- Baptism 1
- Cessationism 2
- Christmas 5
- Christology 2
- Civil Disobedience 4
- Colossians 7
- Communion 1
- Daniel 15
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- Ephesians 1
- Eschatology 5
- False Prophets 2
- False gods 1
- Forgiveness 1
- God's Sovereignty 1
- Government 13
- Heaven 1
- Herod 1
- History 9
- Incarnation 5
- John 14
- Joseph 1
- Love 2
- Luke 1
- Mary 1
- Matthew 2
- Miracles 4
- Persecution 4
- Perseverance of the Saints 1
- Pharisees 1
- Preaching 1
- Prophecy 6
- Psalms 3
- Satan 1
- Spiritual Gifts 2
- Spiritual Warfare 2
- Suffering 4
- Thanksgiving 1
- The Church 14
- Tongues & Prophecy 2
- Trinity 2
- Visions 1
- Wise Men 1
- Women Preachers 1
- Worship 2
The Shepherd’s meet Jesus
Merry Christmas 2024! This year we are reading through the Christmas story with fresh eyes, to see how different people received the news of Jesus’ coming.