Why I Reject the BLM Movement
There is racism in America—it is wicked—and needs to be dealt with.
Almost everybody agrees with those three starting premises. But there is huge disagreement about how we ought to go about it. The battle-lines have been drawn, and it seems clear to me Christians are arguing over two possible Christian responses: BLM or the Gospel. That’s right you CANNOT have both. You can only pick one.
Some might argue, “Why can’t we do both? Why can’t we be about the gospel AND BLM?”
The reason is simple: both demand 100% undisputed loyalty.
BLM insists upon absolute, unyielding allegiance. It’s either their way or the RACIST way. It demands that you post what they say when they say it. That you march when and how they tell you to, and that you agree with (and celebrate) their political stance and preferred political party, irrespective of other views. And at the end of the day, if you don’t agree with 100% of their demands, then you—my friend—have just proven to be a part of the problem rather than the solution and are probably secretly…a RACIST.
But, let’s be clear: the Gospel ALSO demands absolute allegiance! You cannot be a Christian and a part-time supporter of the Gospel. You cannot think that Jesus is the only way to get to heaven…but there are various and sundry other ways to solve the world’s sin problems.
One of these racial reconciliation plans is designed by God. The other is designed by men. And inevitably, you are going to have to choose one. They are mutually exclusive.
But the second—and perhaps much bigger reason—you can’t have the Gospel and BLM is that BLM is antithetical to the Gospel.
BLM feeds off of division. It is fueled by hatred. It demands things that are counter to the Word of God, supports anarchy (rebellion), celebrates sexual perversion and transgenderism, and exults in the murder of babies. It is irreconcilable with the Gospel, hostile to the words of Jesus, who commands us to repent of our own sins, to forgive all of the wrongs done to us, and to reject hypocrisy.
At its best, BLM is quite simply wholly inadequate to deal with issues of racial disunity. Because they have surrendered the most fundamental and essential basis for unity that two people can have: That we are created by God as image-bearers.
The world does not have the right to demand that I fight racism according to their plan.
And to claim that if I don’t support BLM…that I must be complicit regarding racism in our country is the same as saying that if I don’t support “Gay-Pride Parades” that I must be complicit in the abuse of homosexuals. How about if we say that as a general rule—if the whole godless world is running in one direction—Christians should not follow them?
So I am going to seek racial reconciliation exactly the way that God’s Word demands. By making disciples of all the nations…preaching repentance and faith in Jesus…and pointing to Him alone as our ultimate unifier and justice-bringer.
I reject BLM’s utterly useless plan for racial harmony. Instead, I’m going to stick with Jesus’ plan because—quite simply—it’s better. And at the end of the day, it is guaranteed to work.